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CITY: Speed Bumps Stay | Carnarvon One-Way

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Questions regarding Quayside Drive:

Q1 BIKE ROUTES: Quayside Drive has a fragmented shared-street bike facility. Should this become a dedicated bike route along its full length, recognizing that it will likely be share-road facility, or should the Riverfront be utilized as the key corridor for the area? 30% said to expand / enhance existing route along Quayside Drive. 34% said utilize Riverfront route, remove route along Quayside Drive.

Q2 SPEED BUMPS: Traffic Calming Measure provides these comments:
Quayside Drive: Support to maintain speed bumps/traffic calming on Quayside Drive, suggestions for time restricted and permit only parking. Concerns that access keeps getting more restricted, parking being used as a park-n-ride for transit users.

Q3 ONE WAY: Recognizing the functional pressures on Carnarvon Street (McInnes Overpass to 8th St), what is your position on modifying this block to become a one-way vehicle movement?

Feedback indicated a high level of support (65%) for making portions of Carnarvon St, between 8th and McInnes one-way for vehicles say rat-running and such activities would be reduced.

Want to read more from this report on the Downtown Transportation Plan? CLICK HERE

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