[Preface: A Quay resident has expressed their concern that pile driving on the BOSA sites was going to return – when it was promised in the last development – that piling would not be the method of construction used. Here is BOSA’s reply regarding the use of pile driving techniques to construct the two new towers.]
……From Bosa Development…………
Thank you very much for your email. To clarify, RiverSky is a project by another developer unrelated to Bosa Development and Pier West.
To address your concerns, some form of pile driving is required for this next phase to provide the necessary engineered support for the towers that will be built. Bosa Development did extensive testing last year and determined this work can be done with the least disruptive methods for pile driving. As such, they will not be using a diesel impact hammer as they did previously for the in-river piling work in 2019 and early 2020. Instead, they will be installing the piles by vibratory and hydraulic methods.
Below is a public statement that Bosa Development released last week for additional info if you need.
Many thanks again.
Jeni Vlahovic | Community Liaison Officer | Bosa Development | t. 604-294-0666 | e. communityinfo@thinkbosa.com | https://www.660quaysidedr.com/
Bosa Development: Dan Diebolt, Vice President of Development
Our project came on the heels of nearby projects that had used diesel impact hammers, which were something new and disruptive to the surrounding community. Understandably, the community had enough disruption by the time we began construction on Pier West, so we launched regular, proactive, two-way communication efforts to listen to the community and respond to concerns. This included Bosa Development altering Pier West’s design, schedule, and construction methods at a significant cost to us to find less disruptive methods so we could be good neighbours.
Bosa Development just completed the unique and complex work of building under water to separate the Fraser River from our site, and now we have begun work on the land where we will be piling driving using vibratory hammers and when necessary hydraulic hammers, both of which are less disruptive than diesel impact hammers.
We acknowledge that the upcoming work will create more noise than the work in recent months, and we assure our neighbours that we are using the least disruptive approach to pile driving and are working within the city’s bylaws and regulations. Our goal is to start pouring concrete in the summer.
We are grateful to our neighbours for their continued patience as we build a vibrant, walkable community on the waterfront that will include two mixed-use towers – 43 and 53 storeys – plus a public park and plaza, as well as pedestrian connections between Westminster Pier Park and River Market.