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PSA: Quayside Is Going To The Dogs

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Yet, with more sun and more dogs on the Esplanade, there is always a few items that keep coming back summer after summer to bite some of those who enjoy the Quay Esplanade with their dogs: Picking Up The Evidence and Keeping Your Pet On A Leash.

PICK IT UP: It is pretty obvious that in summer we do not have the rains to help wash away the evidence dog owners leave behind. Not that leaving evidence behind at any time of year is condoned in any way – but summer with the dry weather tends to see much more accumulate on the grass areas. Given that children play on these areas and people picnic or sit to chat, we ask all dog owners to be more aware of their pets needs and be sure to pick it up! There are plastic bag holders located on poles throughout the Esplanade so there is no reason to let the evidence stay or accumulate.

KEEP LEASH ON: No matter how well your dog is trained it is important that they always remain on their leash. Remember if your dog attacks another dog or person you are very likely legally responsible for any damages done. So help yourself and your pet – keep them on a leash.

OFF-LEASH: If you insist that your dog run free, then there is a perfect solution for you. At the far west end of the Quay Esplanade (at Poplar Landing) is a fenced dog park. Your dog can socialize and run around till they pant because it is perfectly acceptable in this area.

RESPECT: If everyone respects each other and their pet, then we will have an incident free summer and no need to call in the Dog Catcher!

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