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Local New West business woman, mother and recently grandmother, PENNY McIVOR was recognized by the QCB for her Outstanding Service to the Quay community. Those who have met Penny in person know the high energy she brings to any project she works on. The QCB and Quayside community have benefited from such a powerful energy source.
Prior to becoming President of the QCB in 2012 and serving in this capacity until 2015, Penny was involved as a QCB Strata Rep for her building ‘Tower II’ for several years. Her strong organization skills and personable nature made her a valuable asset when it came to working with the Chair of the QCB Boardwalk Festival & Sale and other committees struck by the board.
The ‘Outstanding Service’ award was presented at the 2017 AGM in February, but Penny was unable to attend and receive this recognition. Penny finally received her plaque from 2017 QCB President Vickie Turvey at a regular board meeting on June 28th,2017.
[PHOTO: LtoR | Penny McIvor & QCB President Vickie Turvey]