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TRANSLINK: 2050 Survey | Sep 22

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” separator_top_type=”none” separator_top_height=”50px” separator_top_angle_point=”50″ separator_bottom_type=”none” separator_bottom_height=”50px” separator_bottom_angle_point=”50″ style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text class=”cs-ta-justify”]Thanks to those who were able to join TransLink at last month’s Transport 2050 workshops to start the conversation about the region’s next long-term transportation plan.

There’s still time for everyone to contribute ideas, so even if you couldn’t make the workshop, please post your ideas on the online ideas board or take a look at the Call for Ideas (PDF, 214 KB) and share your input by September 22.

Workshop recap
As a quick recap – we started each of the workshops by talking about the region’s long-term transportation strategy, and how it has contributed to regional livability. Then, we talked about the current conditions in the region – including congestion and housing affordability, possible future challenges and opportunities – including climate change, shifting global trade and changing technology. Finally, we shared the changes to transportation we know the region needs to prepare for, such as increasing automation of vehicles.

Your discussions
Across the region, you told us that you most value Metro Vancouver’s clean environment and green spaces, and your communities. You talked about how the environment attracts businesses and workers. And you expressed concern that both congestion and housing affordability are affecting where people choose to live, the length and ease of commutes and therefore your communities.

You told us that the transportation system needs to support the movement of people and goods, to be of a high-quality, and reliable, comfortable and accessible to everyone. You suggested that projects like expanded transit, more frequent transit and more transit choices, and policies such as transit-only lanes and congestion pricing, might ease congestion on the roads.

In terms of new transportation technologies, there was enthusiasm for the possibility of making it easier to get to key transport hubs like SkyTrain stations and recognition that job training will be needed to prepare workers for the transition to new technologies.

Keep the conversation going
We appreciate the enthusiasm that you brought to the workshops, and your offers to spread the word about Transport 2050 within your organizations and networks.

Attached are content and materials you can use in newsletters and social media to encourage individual participation in our survey and post on the ideas board through to Sept. 22.

Submit an organizational response
TransLink is keen to receive your organizational responses into the Transport 2050 process. You are invited to test and explore a range of ideas on our ideas board, to test the waters, and then to respond to the Call for Ideas (PDF, 214 KB) by September 22.

If you know other groups who may want to participate, please share this email with them. We hope that group responses are more detailed than the ideas we receive online, but we wanted this process to be inclusive and all groups are welcome to participate.

Warm regards,
Andrew McCurran, TransLink, Director, Strategic Planning & Policy

Transport 2050 | background information
From now through to fall 2020, TransLink is preparing a new Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS), Transport 2050, which will identify priorities, policies and projects through to 2050. At the same time, Metro Vancouver is working to develop Metro 2050, an update to the region’s current growth management strategy, and is identifying transportation actions as a key part of its Climate 2050 Strategy.

In preparation for updating the regional growth and transportation strategies, Metro Vancouver and TransLink have partnered to explore which forces might shape the region by 2050. You can read the results of our scenarios work in a recent update to Metro Vancouver’s board.

The next step in our partnership, with support from the Province, is exploring the values of the region’s residents, businesses and agencies to work towards a shared regional vision. And we are asking stakeholders about their transportation ideas that we can collectively incorporate into the different transportation, growth management and climate change-plans and strategies.

You are invited to participate in this progress both as an individual, completing the survey on values and preferences, and as an organization, responding the Call for Ideas (PDF, 214 KB).

More information
Transport 2050 – Communucations Kit – Phase 1
TransLink’s Regional Transportation Strategy site
Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy page
Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 page



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